ICH HOL’ DIE LEUTE AUS DEM ALLTAGSTROTTEs gibt immer mehr Straßenkünst перевод - ICH HOL’ DIE LEUTE AUS DEM ALLTAGSTROTTEs gibt immer mehr Straßenkünst английский как сказать


Es gibt immer mehr Straßenkünstler: Musikanten, Maler und
Schauspieler. Sie ziehen von Stadt zu Stadt, machen Musik, spielen
Theater und malen auf dem Asphalt. Die meisten sind Männer, aber es
gibt auch einige Frauen. Eine von ihnen ist die 20-jährige
Straßenpantomimin Gabriela Riedel.
Das Wetter ist feucht und kalt. Auf dem Rathausmarkt in Hamburg
interessieren sich nur wenige Leute für Gabriela. Sie wartet nicht auf
Zuschauer, sondern packt sofort ihre Sachen aus und beginnt ihre
Vorstellung: Sie zieht mit ihren Fingern einen imaginären Brief aus dem
Umschlag. Den Umschlag tut sie in einen Papierkorb. Der ist wirklich da.
Sie liest den Brief, vielleicht eine Minute, dann fällt er auf den Boden, und
Gabriela fängt an zu weinen. Den Leuten gefällt das Pantomimenspiel. Nur
ein älterer Herr mit Bart regt sich auf. „Das ist doch Unsinn! So etwas
müsste man verbieten.“ Früher hat Gabriela sich über solche Leute geärgert,
heute kann sie darüber lachen. Sie meint: „Die meisten Leute freuen sich
über mein Spiel und sind zufrieden.“ Nach der Vorstellung sammelt sie mit
ihrem Hut Geld: 4 Euro und 36 Cent hat sie verdient, nicht schlecht. „Wenn
ich regelmäßig spiele und das Wetter gut ist, geht es mir ganz gut.“ Ihre
Kollegen machen Asphaltkunst gewöhnlich nur in ihrer Freizeit. Für
Gabriela ist Straßenpantomimin ein richtiger Beruf.
Gabrielas Asphaltkarriere hat mit Helmut angefangen. Sie war 19,
er 25 und Straßenmusikant. Ihr hat besonders das freie Leben von Helmut
gefallen, und sie ist mit ihm von Stadt zu Stadt gezogen. Zuerst hat Gabriela
für Helmut nur Geld gesammelt. Dann hat sie auch auf der Straße getanzt.
Nach einem Krach mit Helmut hat sie dann in einem Schnellkurs
Pantomimin gelernt und ist vor sechs Monaten Straßenkünstlerin geworden.
Die günstigsten Plätze sind Fußgängerzonen, Ladenpassagen und
Einkaufszentren. „Hier denken die Leute nur an den Einkauf, aber bestimmt
nicht an mich. Ich hol’ sie ein bisschen aus dem Alltagstrott“, erzählt sie.
Das kann Gabriela wirklich: Viele bleiben stehen, ruhen sich aus, vergessen
den Alltag.
Leider ist Straßentheater auf einigen Plätzen schon verboten, denn
die Geschäftsleute beschweren sich über die Straßenkünstler. Oft verbieten
die Städte dann die Straßenkunst.
„Auch wenn die meisten Leute uns mögen, denken viele doch an
Vagabunden und Nichtstuer. Sie interessieren sich für mein Spiel und
wollen manchmal mit mir darüber sprechen, aber selten möchte jemand
mich kennen lernen oder mehr über mich wissen.“
Gabrielas Leben ist sehr unruhig. das weiß sie auch: „Manchmal
habe ich richtig Angst, den Boden unter den Füßen zu verlieren“, erzählt sie
uns. Trotzdem findet sie diesen Beruf fantastisch; sie möchte keinen
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I GET PEOPLE FROM THE EVERYDAY LIFE There are more and more Street Artists: musicians, Painters and Actor. You Move from Town to Town, make music, play Theatre and paint on the asphalt. Most are men, But there are some Women. One of them is the 20 years MIME Street Gabriela Riedel. The weather is Wet and Cold. On the City Hall Square in Hamburg Interested in only A few people for Gabriela. Not waiting for you Viewers, But Their belongings immediately unpack and Begins Their Idea: an imaginary letter from the She's Moving with her ​​Fingers Envelope. She does the Envelope in A recycle bin. It's really there. She reads the letter, maybe A Minute, then he falls to the Ground, and Gabriela starts to Cry. People like the Game pantomime. Only He WAS upset by an older gentleman with A beard. "This is Nonsense! So something Would you Ban. " Earlier, Gabriela has Annoyed About such people, Today She CAN Laugh About it. She says: "Most people enjoy "About my Game and are satisfied." After the performance, She Gathers with her ​​Hat Money: She do not Deserve 4 euros and 36 cents ,. "If I Regularly play and the weather is good, I'm there quite well. " Their Colleagues make asphalt art Usually only in Their spare time. For Gabriela Street MIME is A Real Profession. Gabriela asphalt Started career with Helmut. She WAS 19, 25 and Busker. It has the free Especially Life by Helmut Fell, and She Moved with HIM from Town to Town. First, Gabriela has Money Collected for only Helmut. You then Danced Also on the Road. After A crash with Helmut She then in A fast-track course 6 Taught MIME and Street artist Happened Six months ago. Places Best are the pedestrian zones, loading passages and Malls. "Here people think only of the shopping, But Determined " not on me. I Get it from A bit of everyday Life ", She says. " This really CAN be Gabriela: stop many from rest, forget Everyday. Unfortunately Street Theater in some places is Forbidden, Because the Street Artists Businessmen complain About the. Often Prohibit the cities then the Street art. "Even if people like us Most, many think it Rovers and Lounger. You up Game for my Interest and want with me Sometimes Talk About, But Rarely does anyone want me learn or know more About me. " Gabriela Life is very Restless. Also Knows That She: "Sometimes " I'm Afraid, Lose to the Under Ground your feet correctly ", She Tells us. Nevertheless, She Finds this fantastic Profession; She Would not others. L
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
There are more and more Street Artists: musicians, Painters and
ACTORS. Moving from Town to Town, make music, play
theater and painting on the asphalt. Most are men, But there
are some Also Women . One of Them is the 20-year-old
Gabriela Straßenpantomimin Riedel.
The weather is damp and Cold. On the Town Hall Square in Hamburg
only A few people are Interested in Gabriela. Do not wait for
Spectators, But immediately packs her bags and Begins her
Presentation: She Draws an imaginary letter from her Fingers
Envelope. The Envelope She does in A wastebasket. That's really there.
She reads the letter, perhaps A Minute, then he falls to the Ground, and
Gabriela Begins to Cry. People like the pantomime. Only
an Elderly Man with A beard gets upset. "That's Nonsense! Something like this
Should be Banned. "Previously, Gabriela WAS Annoyed About such people,
now They CAN Laugh About it. She Said: "Most people are happy
About my Game and be satisfied. "After the Show She Gathers with
her ​​Hat Money: 4 euros and 36 cents She has Earned, not bad. "If
I play Regularly and the weather is good, I feel Pretty good. "Her
colleagues make asphalt art Usually only in Their spare time. For
Gabriela Straßenpantomimin is A Real Profession.
Gabrielas asphalt Began career with Helmut. She WAS 19,
25 and he Busker. You have particularly the free Life of Helmut
fallen, and She Moved with HIM from Town to Town. First, Gabriela has
only Collected Money for Helmut. She has Danced Also in the Street.
After A row with Helmut has then A crash course in
learned MIME and Street artist Become Six months ago.
The Best places Areas are pedestrian, shopping malls and
shopping Centers. "People here think of shopping, But certainly
not to me. I'll Get it A bit out of the Daily grind, "She says.
This really CAN Gabriela: Many are REMAIN Resting up , forget
everyday Life.
Unfortunately, Street theater is Already Banned in some places, Because
the Businessmen complain About the Street Performers. Often Prohibit
the cities then the Street art.
"Although Most people like us, many Still think of
Vagabonds and Loafers. Interested in my Game and
want to Sometimes Talk to me About it, But Rarely does anyone want to
Get to know me or know more About me. "
Gabriela's Life is very Restless. She Knows it, "Sometimes
I'm really Scared to Lose the Ground Under Their feet, "She Tells
us. Nevertheless, She Finds That Profession fantastic; They do not want Any
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Es Gives more and more Road Artists: Musician, Painter more und
Schauspieler. They pull from City to City, make music more spielen
Theater, and paint on the asphalt. Most are men, But es
gibt Also some Women. One of Them is the 20-Jährige
Straßenpantomimin Gabriela Riedel.
Das weather is damp and Cold. On the Town Market hall in Hamburg
are only few people Interested in Gabriela. Waits it not more auf
Zuschauer, Separates unpacks immediately ITS things and Begins ihre
Vorstellung: It pulls an imaginary letter with ITS Fingers out dem
Umschlag. She does the envelope into a waste-paper basket. That is really da.
Sie reads the letter, perhaps One Minute, then he falls on the Ground, und
Gabriela Begins to Cry. The pantomime play pleases the people. Nur
Ein older gentleman with beard excites itself. "That is nevertheless nonsense! Something so
müsste One Forbid. "Early One Annoyed,
Gabriela heute by themselves at such people it CAN Laugh at it. She Means: "Most people make more sich
über my play are happy and Content. "After the conception She collects mit
ihrem Hat Money: It Earned 4 euros and 36 cent, not Badly. "Wenn
ich Regularly Plays and the weather is, it goes good to me completely well. "Ihre
Kollegen make asphalt art Usually only in Their spare time. Für
Gabriela is Straßenpantomimin A correct Beruf.
Gabrielas asphalt career with Helmut Began. Them were 19, more
er 25 and street musician. Their particularly the free Life of Helmut
gefallen has, and it pulled with it from City to City. First Gabriela
für Helmut Collected Money only. Then it has Also on the Road getanzt.
Nach A noise with Helmut it then in A Schnellkurs
Pantomimin learned and is Six months ago Road geworden artist.
Die Most Favorable places is pedestrian precincts, shopping Arcades to und
Einkaufszentren.„The people think here only of the purchase, but bestimmt
nicht of me. I hol' it a little from the daily grind “, told sie.
Das know Gabriela really: Many stop, rest themselves, vergessen
den Alltag.
Leider are already forbidden to street theatre at some places, denn
die businessmen weight about the road artists. Often verbieten
the cities then the Straßenkunst.
„even if most people us like, think many nevertheless an
Vagabunden and nothing door. They are interested in my play und
wollen sometimes with me over it speak, but rarely jemand
mich or more would like to learn to know about me know. “
Gabrielas life is very jerky. she knows also: „Manchmal
habe I correctly fear,the ground under the feet to lose “, tells sie
uns. Nevertheless she finds this profession fantastically; she would like keinen
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