DER PUNK UND SEINE KLASSE Über Deutschlands buntesten Schulleiter beri перевод - DER PUNK UND SEINE KLASSE Über Deutschlands buntesten Schulleiter beri английский как сказать


DER PUNK UND SEINE KLASSE Über Deutschlands buntesten Schulleiter berichtet Sebastian Stumpf Sein Haar ist grün und gelb, seine Jeans haben Löcher, und auf seinem Sweatshirt ist ein Totenkopf. Außerdem hört er gern laute Rockmusik und trägt Armbänder mit Metallnieten. Herr Mat thias Isecke-Vogelsang ist Punk aus Leidenschaft, und seine Schüler fi nden ihn super. Ja, seine Schüler: Denn dieser Punk ist Lehrer und zwar ein richtig guter. Seit über dreißig Jahren unter richtet er nun Deutsch, Ge schichte und Religion, und seit sieben Jahren ist er Direktor der Gotthard-Kühl-Schule in Lübeck. Dort ist er Chef von mehr als 500 jungen Schülern und die Arbeit an der Schule ist nicht immer ein fach. Viele Kinder in diesem Teil Lübecks haben einen Migrations hintergrund und Schwierigkeiten mit der Integration. Andere kommen aus Problemfamilien. Da fragt man sich natürlich, ob ein „wilder“ Punk der richtige Mann für eine solche Schule ist? Die Schüler haben darauf eine klare Antwort. Sie meinen, ei nen besseren Direktor kann es hier nicht geben. „Der ist richtig cool“, sagen sie. „Mit dem kann man über alles reden!“ Und was sagen die Lehrer und die Eltern? Auch die fi nden, dass er seine Sache richtig gut macht. Vogelsangs Unterricht ist bestens organisiert und richtig spannend. Da merken auch die schwäche ren Schüler, dass Lernen Spaß machen kann. Allerdings ist er ein Lehrer, der viel von seinen Schülern erwartet. „Wenn ich eine gerechte Gesellschaft will, dann muss ich auch etwas dafür tun“, fi ndet er. Er selbst ist ein Vorbild für alle, die soziale Ge rechtigkeit wollen, denn er ist ein engagiertes Mitglied im Gemein derat seines Heimatdorfes und tut viel, um das Leben seiner Mitmenschen zu verbessern. Außerdem ist er ein guter Familienvater mit drei er wachsenen Söhnen. Und was hat das alles noch mit der Einstellung eines Punks zu tun? Sind Punks nicht Leute, die ge gen die Gesellschaft protes tieren und gar nicht an die Zukunft glauben? Das sieht Direktor Isecke-Vogelsang ganz anders. Für ihn hat die Punk-Philosophie diese Elemen te: Einen Sinn für Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit und aktives Enga gement für die Schwachen dieser Erde. Isecke-Vogelsang war schon als Student in der Punkerszene aktiv. Das war damals eine Art Protest, aber ich bin keiner, der mit Bier auf der Bank sitzt. „Ich will etwas zum Positiven verän dern“, sagte er der Bild-Zeitung. Das tut er jeden Tag, wenn er mit seinem schrillen Look vor seine Schüler tritt und sie zum Lernen ermuntert. Er weiß: Um frei zu sein, braucht man viel Disziplin, und gerade das konforme Denken ist oft Faulheit. Schließlich wäre es auch einfacher, jeden Tag im Anzug zur Arbeit zu fahren. Presse und Sprache,
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
THE PUNK and his class about Germany's most colorful head Sebastian Stumpf reported his hair is green and yellow, his jeans have holes, and on his sweatshirt, a skull is. In addition, he listens to loud rock music and wearing bracelets with metal rivets. Mr Mat is punk passion thias Isecke Vogelsang, and his students can fi nd him super. Yes, his students: because is this punk and a really good teacher. For over thirty years, he is German, now GE history and religion, and for seven years he is Director of the Gotthard cool school in Lübeck. There, he is Chief of more than 500 young students and working on the school isn't always a fold. Many children in this part of Lübeck's have a migration background and difficulties with the integration. Others come from problem families. Since one wonders of course, whether a "wild" punk is the right man for such a school? Students that have a clear answer. You mean, egg information it can not be better Director. "Which is really cool," they say. "You can talk about anything!" And what say the teachers and the parents? Also the fi nd that it makes his thing really good. Bird Sangs teaching is very well organized and really exciting. As noted also that weakness ren Schüler, that learning can be fun. However, he is a teacher who expects a lot from his students. "If I want a just society, then I must do something out of this", he articulated. He is a role model for those who want equality, social GE because he is a prominent member in the common instabiel his home village and is doing a lot to improve the life of his fellow men. Also he is he a good family man with three growing sons. And what has to do with the setting of a punk? Are punks the ge protes gen society animals not people, and don't believe in the future? This looks completely different Director Isecke Vogelsang. For him, the philosophy of punk te has this element: A sense of freedom and justice, and active commitment management for the poor of this earth. Isecke Vogelsang was active as a student in the punk scene. It was a kind of protest at the time, but I'm not sitting on the bench with beer. "I want something to the positive y Damas", he told the Bild-Zeitung. He does every day when he enters with his strident look before his students and encourages them to learn. He knows: to be free, it takes much discipline, and just the compliant thinking is often laziness. Finally, it would also be easier to drive in every day a suit to work. Press and language,
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
THE PUNK AND ITS CLASS About Germany's most colorful headmaster says Sebastian Stumpf His hair is green and yellow, his jeans have holes, and on his sweatshirt is a skull. He also likes listening to loud rock music and wearing bracelets with metal rivets. Mr. Mat Mathias Isecke-Vogelsang is punk from passion, and his students fi nd him great. Yes, his students: For this punk is a teacher and a really good though. Now for over thirty years, he directed German, Ge history and religion, and he has spent seven years Director of the Gotthard cooling School in Lübeck. He is the head of more than 500 young students and the work at the school is not always a professional. Many children in this part of Lübeck have a migration background and problems with integration. Others come from dysfunctional families. Because, of course, one wonders whether a "wild" Punk is the right man for such a school? Pupils have a clear answer. You mean egg nen better director can not exist here. "It's really cool," they say. "With that you can talk about anything!" And what do the teachers and the parents? The fi nd that he's doing really well. Vogelsang lessons are well organized and really exciting. As noted, the weakness ren students that learning can be fun. However, he is a teacher who expects a lot from his students. "When I want a just society, then I have to do something about it," he fi a friend. He is a role model for all who want justice social Ge, for he is an active member of the community derat his home village and does much to improve the lives of his fellow men. In addition, he is a good family man with three grown sons he. And what does all this have to do with the attitude of a punk? Are Punks not people ge conditions, the Company protes animals and do not believe in the future? This looks Director Isecke-Vogelsang quite different. For him, the punk philosophy has this ele te: a sense of freedom and justice and active Enga management for the weak of this earth. Isecke-Vogelsang was already active as a student in the Punkerszene. That was a kind of protest, but I'm not sitting with beer on the bench. "I want something changed for the better countries," he told the Bild newspaper. He does this every day when he interacts with its zany look in front of his students and encourages them to learn. He knows that in order to be free, takes a lot of discipline, and just the conformal thinking is often laziness. Finally, it would be easier to drive every day in a suit to work. Press and speech,
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The PUNK AND ITS CLASS over of Germany most multicolored head master Sebastian Stumpf reports his hair is green and yellow, its jeans has holes, and on its sweatshirt is a skull. In addition it hears gladly loud rock music and carries bracelets with metal rivets. Mr. Mat thias Isecke Vogelsang is punk from passion, and its pupils fi nden him super. Yes, its pupils:Because this punk is a teacher correctly better. For over thirty years under it directs now German, Ge laminates and religion, and for seven years he is a director of the Gotthard cool school in Luebeck. There he is a boss of more than 500 young pupils and the work on the school is not always a subject.Many children in this part of Luebeck have migrations a background and difficulties with the integration. Others come from problem families. There does one ask oneself naturally whether „a savage “punk is the correct man for such a school? The pupils have to it a clear answer. They mean, egg a better director cannot it here not give. „That is correctly cool “, says it.„With that one can talk about everything! “And which the teachers and parents say? Also fi it nden that he makes his thing correctly good. Of Vogelsang instruction is in the best way organized and correct stretching. There also weaken ren pupils notice that learning joke make can. However he is a teacher, who expects much of its pupils. „If I a fair society want,then I must do also somewhat for it “, fi ndet he. It is a model for all, which want social Ge rechtigkeit, because it is an committed member in the common derat its homeland village and does much, in order to improve the life of its fellow men. In addition it is a good family man with three it wachsenen sons. And which has that everything still with the attitude of a punk to do?Punk aren't people, which believe ge towards the society protes animals and not at all in the future? That sees director Isecke-Vogelsang completely differently. For it punk philosophy has this Elemen Te: A sense for freedom and justice and active Enga gement for the weak ones of this earth. Isecke Vogelsang was already active as a student in the punk scene. That was at that time a kind protest,but I am not, which sits with beer on the bank. „I want something to positives verän dern “, said he to Bild-Zeitung. That does he each day, if he steps her with his shrill look before his pupils and for learning encouraged. He knows: In order to be free, one needs much discipline, and straight conformal thinking is often laziness. Finally it would be also simpler,to drive each day in the suit to the work. Press and language,
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