2.1.6.Technische Rahmenbedingungen AVEVA MarineAVEVA Marine (vormals P перевод - 2.1.6.Technische Rahmenbedingungen AVEVA MarineAVEVA Marine (vormals P английский как сказать

2.1.6.Technische Rahmenbedingungen

2.1.6.Technische Rahmenbedingungen AVEVA Marine
AVEVA Marine (vormals PDMS) ist eine Zusammenstellung integrierter Schiffbaulicher Entwurfsund Konstruktionsapplikationen von denen die FSG das Ausrüstungsmodul für Ausrüstung, Klima / Lüftung. Kabelbahnen, Rohrbau und Maschinenbau benutzt.
Alle Modelldaten werden in AVEVAs eigener DABACON Datenbank abgelegt. Ein Neubauprojekt ber FSG besteht aus mehreren Datenbanken und Katalogdatenbanken die auf das Katalogprojekt verweisen.
In jedem Projekt haben alle Benutzer Zugriff auf dieselben Datenbanken, so dass jeder zu jedem Zeitpunkt den gleichen Zustand des Modells sieht. Eine Zugriffsteuerung ist in der DABACON Datenbank implementiert, die verhindert das zwei Benutzer gleichzeitig ein und das selbe Element bearbeiten können.
Das Modell wird vollständig in einer 3D Umgebung erstellt, ohne Hilfsansichten in 2D zu verwenden. Zeichnungen als 2D Ausgabe können als Abbild des Modells generiert werden.
AVEVA Marine verfügt über diverse Möglichkeiten Benutzeranpassungen durchzuführen. Es kann die AVEVA eigenen Makro Sprache (pml) benutzt werden. Außerdem können über C++ Bibliotheken (veraltet) oder die .NET API auf die Datenbanken zugegriffen werden.
2.1.7. Screening möglicher Exportwerkzeuge - Exportkonzept
Export Formate nativ
Die Möglichkeiten für den Export von 3D-Daten aus PDMS in ein VR Werkzeug sind begrenzt. Direkt im PDMS vorhanden ist nur eine Schnittstelle (RVMExport) zu dem AVEVA Review Tool. Es werden native ReviewModelFiles (RVM Dateien) in einem AVEVA eigenem Format erstellt, die die Geometrie- und Hierarchieinformationen einschließlich der Elementnamen enthalten; daneben werden die Attribute in einer separaten Datei abgelegt.
Export Formate über separate Tools
Mit gesonderten Werkzeugen lassen sich auch andere Formate exportieren:
Explant-A ist eine Schnittstelle von AVEVA, die dem Benutzer erlaubt, 3D Geometriemodelle aus der Outfitting Design Datenbank in das AutoCAD Drawing Interchange File (DXF or binary DXF) als 3D Daten zu erstellen.
Explant-I ist ebenfalls eine Schnittstelle von AVEVA. Die 3D Geometrie wird aus dem Outfitting Design in ein binaries Format exportiert, welches kompatibel ist mit der Intergraph Standard File Format Spezifikation. Die so erzeugten DGN Dateien können in MicroStation oder anderen Systemen, die dieses Format unterstützen, eingelesen werden.
UniConvSTEP ist ein Konverter von Unitec, der die Geometriedaten und Attribute aus PDMS ausliest und in das STEP-Format nach AP214 überträgt. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, über den Konverter die Daten aus dem PDMS auszulesen oder bereits aus dem PDMS generierte RVM Dateien in das STEP-Format umzuwandeln.
2.1.8 Bewertung und Auswahl geeigneter Werkzeuge
Bei der Explant-A Schnittstelle wird alle Geometrie als facettierte Oberfläche in die DXF Datei geschrieben. Aus Zylindern werden prismatische Extrusionen, die als ein AutoCAD Block Objekt abgelegt werden. Es entsteht ein Oberflächenmodell ohne Bezug auf die ursprünglichen Volumenkörper. Attribute der PDMS Objekte und die Flierarchie werden nicht mit exportiert.
Für die Explant-I Schnittstelle werden die Volumenkörper aus PDMS weitestgehend in die bei dem ISFF zur Verfügung stehenden Volumenkörper umgewandelt. Bei Rotationskörpern findet allerdings auch eine Prismatisierung wie bei der Explant-A Schnittstelle statt. Attribute können zwar in eine separaten Datei exportiert werden, jedoch ist die Zuordnung zu den Geometriekörpern in der DGN Datei nicht möglich, da die Hierarchie und Benennung der Körper nicht in der DGN Datei zu finden ist. Ein Beispiel für eine Komponentengeometrie im DGN-Format ist in Abbildung 3 gezeigt.
Bei den Benchmark-Versuchen konnte festgestellt werden, dass sich der Export stellenweise als nicht stabil erwies. Bei Körpern mit mehrfach geschwungenen Flächen (Duschvorhang) oder zu vielen Ausschnitten mit negativ-Körpern (z.B zur Darstellung der Lamellen an einem Elektromotor) stürzte das Programm ab, was einen automatisierten Export erheblich erschwert

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Conditions of AVEVA marine 2.1.6.Technische of AVEVA marine (formerly the PDMS) is a collection integrated shipbuilding design and Konstruktionsapplikationen of which the FSG equipment module for equipment, air conditioning / ventilation. Cable trays, pipe construction and machinery used.All model data can be placed in AVEVAs of your own DABACON database. A new project of about FSG consists of several databases and which refer to the catalog database catalog project.With any project have all users access same databases, SO that everyone to the same State of the model at any time. Access control is implemented in one of the databases DABACON, which prevents two users at the same time and the same the item to edit.Of the model environment is created in a 3D fully, without using help views in 2D. 2D output as drawings can image of the model are generated as.Of AVEVA Marine has various possibilities of user adjustments making. Can the AVEVA own macro language (pml) be used. Can also on the C ++ libraries (obsolete) or the the API .NET on the databases are accessed.2.1.7 any export tools screening - export conceptthe export formats natively The the 3D-to for the possibilities of the export list data from the PDMS in the VR a tool are limited. Only one interface (RVMExport) to the AVEVA review tool is available directly in the PDMS. Are native ReviewModelFiles (RVM files) created in an AVEVA form containing the geometry and hierarchy information including the element names; in addition, which are filed the attributes in a separate file.the export formats about is the separate tools Other formats can be exported with separate tools: Explant-A is an interface of AVEVA, which allows the user to 3D geometry models from the outfitting the design database in the AutoCAD of the drawing the the interchange file (binary DXF or the DXF) to create 3D as to list data. Explant-I of is also an interface of AVEVA. The 3D geometry is exported from the outfitting design to a binaries format, which is compatible with the Intergraph standard file format specification. SO the DGN the files generated in can or of MicroStation, that this the format support different systems, be inputted.UniConvSTEP is a converter of Unitec, which reads the PDMS and the attributes of the geometry data and sends them in the STEP AP214-the format to. The possibility of it, via the converter which to list data from the already read the PDMS or RVM generated files in the STEP from the PDMS-that to convert the format.2.1.8 evaluation and selection of appropriate tools In the Explant interface faceted surface is written as all geometry the DXF file. Cylinders are prismatic Extrusions that object are stored as an AutoCAD block. There is a surface model without reference to the original solids. The PDMS objects of the attributes and that are not exported with Flierarchie.For the Explant-I of interface which converted as far as possible the solid bodies standing at the ISFF available from solids in the PDMS. Occurs in rotational bodies but also a Prismatisierung as the Explant-A interface. Attributes can be exported in a separate file though, but its association with the geometry of bodies in the DGN file cannot be, as the hierarchy and naming the body not in the DGN file. An example of a component geometry in the DGN-format is shown in Figure 3.During the benchmark testing showed, that the export proved in places not stable. Bodies with multiple curved surfaces (shower curtain) or too many snippets with negative bodies (E.g. to represent the blades of an electric motor) the program fell off, what significantly makes difficult an automated export
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
2.1.6.Technische framework AVEVA Marine
AVEVA Marine (formerly PDMS) is a compilation of integrated ship Structural Entwurfsund construction applications of which the FSG the equipment module for equipment, air conditioning / ventilation. Cable trays, pipe and machine used.
All model data is stored in AVEVA's own DABACON database. A new building project over FSG consists of multiple databases and catalog databases that refer to the catalog project.
In any project, all users have access to the same databases, so that everyone at any time sees the same state of the model. Access control is implemented in the database DABACON that prevents two users simultaneously, and can edit the same element.
The model is created entirely in a 3D environment, without using auxiliary views in 2D. Drawings as 2D output can be generated in the image of the model.
AVEVA Marine has several options Customization perform. It can be used the AVEVA own macro language (pml). Moreover ++ libraries (deprecated) or the .NET API can be accessed via databases C.
2.1.7. Screening of potential export tools - Export Concept
export formats natively
The possibilities for exporting 3D data from PDMS in a VR tool are limited. Directly in PDMS is present only one interface (RVMExport) to the AVEVA Review Tool. There are native Review Model Files (RVM files) created in AVEVA own format, containing the geometry and hierarchy information including element names; the attributes in a separate file next are stored.
Export formats include separate tools
with separate tools can also export to other formats:
explant A is an interface of AVEVA, which allows the user to 3D geometry models of the Outfitting design database in the AutoCAD Drawing Interchange File (DXF or binary DXF) to create data as 3D.
explant I is also an interface of AVEVA. The 3D geometry is exported from the Outfitting design in a binaries format, which is compatible with the Intergraph Standard File Format Specification. The thus generated DGN files can be read into MicroStation or other systems that support this format.
UniConvSTEP is a converter of Unitec, which reads the geometry data and attributes from PDMS and transfers in the STEP AP214 format after. It is possible to read through the converter, the data from the PDMS or convert already generated from the PDMS RVM files in the STEP format.
2.1.8 Evaluation and selection of suitable tools
When Explant-A interface is all geometry faceted surface in written the DXF file. From cylinders are prismatic extrusions, which are stored as an AutoCAD block object. The result is a surface model without reference to the original solid. Attributes of PDMS objects and the Flierarchie are not exported.
For explant-I interface the solids from PDMS are largely converted into at the ISFF available solid. For bodies of revolution, however, is also a Prismatisierung as the explant A. interface. While attributes can be exported to a separate file, but the assignment to geometry objects in the DGN file is not possible, because the hierarchy and naming of the body is not to be found in the DGN file. An example of a component geometry in DGN format is shown in Figure 3.
In the benchmark tests it was found that the export places proved to be unstable. For bodies with multiple curved surfaces (curtain) or to many cuttings with negative-bodies (eg showing the slats to an electric motor) crashed the program, which considerably complicates an automated export

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
2.1.6.technische had marine environmenthad marine (formerly pdms) is a collection of integrated schiffbaulicher entwurfsund konstruktionsapplikationen which fsg for the ausrüstungsmodul equipment, ventilation and climate. kabelbahnen, rohrbau and engineering uses.all the model data in avevas own dabacon database files. a new project on fsg consists of several databases and katalogdatenbanken to katalogprojekt references.in each project, all users access to the same databases so that anyone at any time in the same condition of the model. a zugriffsteuerung is in the dabacon database, which prevents the two users at the same time and the same element can edit.the model is fully in a 3d environment created, without hilfsansichten in 2d to use. drawings as a 2d image of the model output can be generated.she has many ways to carry out marine benutzeranpassungen. it can had own macro language (pml) are used. in addition, through c + + libraries (obsolete) or the. net api to the database to be accessed.2.1.7. screening of potential exportwerkzeuge - exportkonzeptexport formats nativelythe opportunities for export of 3d data from pdms in a vr tool is limited. there is only one right in the pdms interface (rvmexport) which had review tool. there are native reviewmodelfiles (rvm files) in a had its format, the geometry and hierarchieinformationen including the element name; also the attributes in a separate file.export formats on separate toolswith separate tools can also export to other formats.explant - a is an interface of the user had, allows 3d geometriemodelle from administrative and everyday buildings design database in the autocad drawing interchange file (dxf or binary dxf) as the 3d data.explant - i is also an interface of had. the 3d geometry from the administrative and everyday buildings design in a binary format exported, which is compatible with the intergraph standard file format specification. the so produced in microstation dgn files or other systems that support this format to be processed.uniconvstep is a converter of unitec, the geometry data and attributes from pdms reads in the step format to ap214 transmits. it is the ability of the converter to the data read from the pdms or from the rvm pdms generated files in the step format transformation.evaluation and selection of appropriate tools forin the explant - a interface is all geometry as restaurants surface in the dxf file. from cylinders are prismatic extrusionen, autocad block as an object to be stored. it creates a surface model without reference to the original volumenkörper. attributes of the pdms objects, and the flierarchie are not exported.for the explant - i interface, the volumenkörper from pdms largely in the isff available volumenkörper converted. in rotationskörpern is, however, a prismatisierung as in the explant - a interface instead. in a separate file attributes can be exported, but the assignment to the geometriekörpern in dgn file is not possible because the hierarchy and naming the body not the dgn file is found. an example of a komponentengeometrie in dgn format is shown in figure 3.in the benchmark experiments it was found that the export of more than proved to be not stable. for bodies with multiple curved surfaces (shower curtain) or many sections with negative bodies (e.g. the presentation of the slats in an electric motor) fell off the program, which makes it much more difficult for an automated export
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